
  • Mehmet Naci Önal
  • Dursun Aysun

Ключевые слова:

folktale, Zümrüdü Anka, miraculousnesses, analyse, Max Lüthi.


Zümrüdü Anka folk tale is one of the most famous and common fantastic tales in Turkey. In the tale
there are some miraculousnesses such as fantastic journeys under and over the ground, giants, and talking animals.
Zümrüdü Anka folk tale which can be seen in many parts of Turkey and came into being as a result of documentation
study in Muğla district will be reviewed by the perspective of folk tale reseacher Max Lüthi. Zümrüdü Anka tale and
narrative styles of its co-texts will be examined in terms of “unidimensionality”, “superficiality”, “notional taste”,
“exclusion and dependence on everything”, “dignification and embracing the world” items while considering their
transitivity, similarity and difference. Unidimensionality in the folk tales reveals a world we are accustomed to. In
the folk tale world, every person and event in the tale are welcome naturally by the tale listeners. In the folk tales
there is not a deepening in terms of place, time, soul and psychology. These notions are expressed superficially. This
superficiality enables the tale to be far from reality, thus, makes its style notional. Folk tale figures are not dependent
on anything. They are on their own. They don’t have an inner world or time concept. Two events which are apparently independent from each other can in fact be dependent invisibly. Every important stage in human life appears in
a folk tale, so does every human characteristic such as achievement, betrayal, jealousness etc. Protagonist of the folk
tale is praised and sublimed in an exaggerative way. The way of taking away the meaning of figures and things is a
means of dignification. And this lets protagonist embrace the world. Zümrüdü Anka folk tale derived from Muğla is
an example that reflects the sentiments of M. Lüthi. This study will pay attention to motives ranging from dignifying
in unidimensionality to embracing the world and characteristics of disappearing and ongoing motives along with
their interior and exterior structure. Application of structural understanding in folk tales that M. Lüthi presented will
be examined by an eclectic method.


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Как цитировать

Mehmet Naci Önal, & Dursun Aysun. (2019). AN ANALYSIS ONA ZÜMRÜDÜANKA FOLK TALE*. «Вестник НАН РК», (1), 214–221. извлечено от