
  • Isembergenov Nalik Turegalievish
  • Sagyndikova Aigul Zhursinkyzy
  • Daskalov Plamen

Ключевые слова:

the induction method, at current frequencies, JGBT transistor modules, voltages, the required temperature, of this work piece.


The article discusses the induction method of heating oil in low production wells. To do this, it was
suggested to use induction heater and frequency converter. Shown that at current frequencies of 1 - 1.5 kHz, an
induction heater and inverter frequency converter can be installed at the bottom of oil wells. The inverter will be
made on a JGBT transistor modules that can switch voltages up to a thousand volts, currents of hundreds of amperes
and tens of kilowatts of power.
The goal of the research is to heat the oil to the required temperature, with the most efficient use of the
consumed electricity, without the use of an open flame (furnace, burner), without thermal electric heaters (TENs),
and without the use of heat exchangers, the efficiency of which does not exceed 60-80%. This is possible using the
induction heating method.
Induction heating is used to heat technological equipment (oil pipelines, pipelines, tanks, etc.), heat liquid
media, and dry coatings of materials (for example, wood). The most important parameter of induction heating
settings is frequency.
For each process, there is an optimal frequency range that provides the best technological and economic
indicators. For induction heating, frequencies from 50 Hz to 5 MHz are used. The advantages of induction heating.
The principle of operation of induction heaters is simple. If a metal work piece or parts are placed in an
alternating magnetic field, then, according to the law of electromagnetic induction, an electromotive force is induced
in it, under the influence of which an alternating electric eddy current will flow.
This current will heat the body of this work piece or part to the required temperature.
The general concept of the article is that with the help of an induction heater it is possible to heat oil in oil
wells, and thus, increase oil production in low flow wells, that is, increase the profitability of oil production


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Как цитировать

Isembergenov Nalik Turegalievish, Sagyndikova Aigul Zhursinkyzy, & Daskalov Plamen. (2020). INDUCTION METOD FOR HEATING OIL IN LOW PRODUCTION WELLS . «Вестник НАН РК», (3), 103–110. извлечено от