
  • Hul Ivan Grygorovych
  • Zavydivska Olga Igorivna
  • Moroz Volodymyr Pavlovych
  • Mandryk Vasyl Olegovych

Ключевые слова:

economic and mathematical model, enterprises, hunting economy, wild hunting animals, breakeven number of wild animals, capacity of hunting grounds.


The article summarizes arguments and counterarguments within the scientific discussion on the
development of the hunting enterprises. The aim of the article is to construct an economic and mathematical model
for determining the number of wild hunting animals, in which the production and economic activity of the enterprises
of the hunting economy will be able to operate on the basis of self-sustainability and self-financing. The actuality of
solving of this scientific problem is in the necessity of reformation of the hunting economy in Ukraine, which
provides formation of the national conception of its organization and development, which would base on the
effective economic, ecological and social instruments; and which, at the same time, would take into account national
management traditions. In order to construct an economic and mathematical model for predicting the directions of
development of the hunting enterprises, the research was conducted in the following logical sequence: analyzed by
what components are formed the total costs and total revenues from hunting economy; the boundary between the
unprofitable and break-even level of hunting activity; according to the objective function, the theoretical principles of
the economic and mathematical model were formulated, which allow to define the break-even quantity of hunting
animals; four directions of development of the hunting enterprises are considered.
The methodical basis of the study were the methods of analysis, synthesis, economic and mathematical
modeling, statistical method; the period of research – 2016-2017 years. The hunting facility of the Lviv region
(Ukraine) was chosen as the object of the research as it gave us the opportunity to carry out additional calculations
taking into account more optimistic directions of hunting economy development.
The research empirically confirms and theoretically proves that the hunting economy can function on the
principles of self-sustainability and self-financing without going beyond the established and legally established norms.


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Как цитировать

Hul Ivan Grygorovych, Zavydivska Olga Igorivna, Moroz Volodymyr Pavlovych, & Mandryk Vasyl Olegovych. (2020). ECONOMIC AND MATHEMATICAL MODEL FOR FORECASTING DIRECTIONS OF DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTING ENTERPRISES. «Вестник НАН РК», (3), 132–139. извлечено от