
  • Kulintsev Valery Vladimirovich
  • Ulimbasheva Radina Alekseevna
  • Balakirev Nikolai Aleksandrovich
  • Yuldashbayev Yusupzhan Artykovich
  • Demin Vladimir Aleksandrovich

Ключевые слова:

breed, Aberdeen-Angus, Red steppe, Brown Swiss, growth, meat productivity, feed-conversion efficiency, slaughter qualities, the morphological composition of carcasses.


A scale-up in beef production from the livestock of different origins can be realized only with the use
of intensive production technologies, in which the main goal should be the maximum implementation of productivity
with the lowest cost of labor and facilities. In some regions characterized by the presence of large pasture areas, it is
important to maintain feeding during the pasture period, when beef production occurs without serious material and
labor investments. The purpose of the research was a comparative assessment of the meat productivity of the Red
steppe, Brown Swiss and Aberdeen-Angus bull calves when feeding in combination with final fattening in the
conditions of Hammer agricultural company of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic. For the experiment, three groups of
8-month-old bull calves were formed with 15 animals each: Red steppe (I group), Brown Swiss (II group) and
Aberdeen Angus (III group). The experimental groups of calves were reared for 160 days, feeding - for 142 days and
final fattening - for 60 days. At the end of the rearing, 3 animals from each group, after feeding - 5 animals each and
after the final fattening - 7 animals each were slaughtered. In all production cycles, bull calves of the AberdeenAngus breed differed in maximum values of average daily gain in live weight, which ensured them over the entire
experiment period the dominancy over peers of Brown Swiss breed by 53 g (P>0.999), of Red steppe - by 91 g
(P>0.999) at the lowest cost of feed per 1 kg of live weight gain (an average of 0.32-0.64 energy feed units and
0.03-0.06 kg of digestible protein). Comparison of the slaughter qualities of young stock of different origin in
different production cycles indicates a significant superiority of the Aberdeen-Angus bull calves, although significant
differences in slaughter yield occurred only after the final fattening (by 1.5-2.8%, P>0.95- 0.999). The obtained
values for flesh and bones content in the carcass of experimental young animals provided the best ratio among bulls
of the Aberdeen-Angus breed, whose coefficient full meatiness was higher by 0.18-0.33 units by the end of the
growing period, and by 0.24-0.43 units after the feeding, and after final fattening - by 0.18-0.34 units. (concerning
the bull-calves of the Red steppe breed P>0.95).


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Как цитировать

Kulintsev Valery Vladimirovich, Ulimbasheva Radina Alekseevna, Balakirev Nikolai Aleksandrovich, Yuldashbayev Yusupzhan Artykovich, & Demin Vladimir Aleksandrovich. (2020). MEAT PRODUCTIVITY OF BULL CALVES OF DIFFERENT DIRECTIONS OF PRODUCTIVITY USING FEEDING COMBINED WITH FINAL FATTENING . THE BULLETIN, (4), 109–118. извлечено от

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