
  • Gaponov Nikolay Vasilyevich
  • Svistunov Sergey Vladimirovich
  • Bondarenko Nina Nikolaevna
  • Romanenko Irina Aleksandrovna

Ключевые слова:

digestibility, feed, blood, additives, primates, rhesus macaques, water with a low deuterium content, hematological and biochemical blood value.


The use of water with a modified isotopic composition in the diet of humans and animals, for
example, with a reduced deuterium content, affects the rate of biological processes. In this regard, the targeted
formation of the isotopic D / H gradient in the body can be used to increase its adaptive properties to external
influences. Primates have a high anatomical and physiological similarity with humans, therefore, are an
indispensable model for reproducing various pathological and toxic conditions in humans. The aim of the study was
to study the effect of water with a low deuterium content on the hematological and biochemical blood parameters of
rhesus monkeys and on the digestibility of nutrients of the diet. In the control group, primates consumed water with a
natural regional content of deuterium equal to 150 mg / l, and in the experimental group - with reduced to 50 mg/l.
The duration of the experiment was 35 days. The material for the study was venous blood, serum and feces of
primates. Blood was drawn from monkeys before the use of deuterium depleted water and after the completion of the
experiment. All blood samples (2.5-3.0 ml) were taken from the cubital or femoral veins of animals on an empty
stomach and stabilized with a heparin solution. Laboratory studies of animal blood were performed on an automatic
hematological analyzer (Beckman Coulter, USA) of the CoulterAcT 5diffCP brand. In order to study the effect of
water with a reduced deuterium content on hematological parameters, we determined the number of red blood cells,
white blood cells, platelets, hemoglobin concentration, hematocrit, the average volume of red blood cells, red blood
cell anisocytosis, and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR).
The metabolism trial was divided into two periods. Preliminary - to exclude the influence of previous feeding
and accustoming primates to cage conditions of keeping. Experimental - conducting a thorough accounting of
consumed feed, excreted excrement. Feces were collected daily at the same time (morning and evening), weighed
and ground in a mortar. At each collection, 50% of the homogenized mass was taken for analysis. The collected
portions were stored in the refrigerator. After the end of the experimental (accounting) period in the collected feces,
the initial moisture was determined by drying at 60-70 ℃ to constant weight. The resulting air-dry mass was
thoroughly ground and analyzed.
It has been found that the introduction of water with a reduced deuterium content into the diet of primates has a
positive effect on feed conversion rate and blood biochemical parameters.


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Как цитировать

Gaponov Nikolay Vasilyevich, Svistunov Sergey Vladimirovich, Bondarenko Nina Nikolaevna, & Romanenko Irina Aleksandrovna. (2020). EFFECT OF DEUTERIUM WATER ON BLOOD VALUES AND DIGESTIBILITY OF NUTRIENTS OF RHESUS MACAQUE. «Вестник НАН РК», (2), 22–28. извлечено от http://91834.libg.asia/bulletin-science/article/view/775