
  • Kerimzhanova B. F.
  • Dzhumagazieva A.B.
  • Аkhatullina N. B.
  • Iskakbayeva Zh. A.
  • Sakhipov E. N.

Ключевые слова:

Iodine-containing FS-1 drug, mycobacterium tuberculosis, enzymes of the antioxidant system of bacterial cells, superoxide dismutase (SOD), UV spectrometry.


Results of inhibitory action of FS-1 drug on antioxidant system of pathogenic mycobacteria
tuberculosis, including resistant MDR strain, are presented. The study of the effect of FS-1 drug on the activity of the
antioxidant system was carried out on the reference strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv and MDR
(rifampicin, isoniazid, streptomycin, ethambutol, еthionamide, kanamycin, cycloserine and pyrazinamide resistant)
strain Mycobacterium tuberculosis 320. FS-1 drug under experimental conditions in vitro showed a new mechanism
of action on mycobacteria tuberculosis - suppression of functional activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase,
which protects the microorganism from oxidative stress. The loss of resistance to oxidative stress by a bacterial cell,
i.e. the ability to neutralize highly toxic oxygen radicals, leads to the destruction of cellular structures, metabolic and
energy processes, disruption of the respiratory system and, as a result, its death. Antioxidant activity of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv after exposure with FS-1 preparation at concentrations of 4µg/ml is inhibited by
90.64 %, while at concentration of 2 µg/ml on bacterial culture of this strain - by 89.07 %. The obtained results show
significant suppression of functional activity of superoxide dismutase enzyme in bacterial culture of Mycobacterium
tuberculosis H37Rv under the influence of FS-1 in these concentrations, showing pronounced inhibitory effect.
Similar studies of the effect of iodine-containing FS-1 drug on the antioxidant system were carried out on the
bacterial culture of M. tuberculosis multidrug resistant strain 320. It was found that antioxidant activity of FS-1
preparation in concentration 4 µg/ml is inhibited by 99 %, while in concentrations 2 µg/ml FS-1preparation
suppresses antioxidant activity of strain 320 by 98 %.
Thus, the studies showed that the FS-1 preparation at the test concentrations of 4 μg/ml and 2 μg/ml has a
mechanism for pronounced inhibition of the functional activity of the enzyme superoxide dismutase in
Mycobacterium tuberculosis of both the reference sensitive strain H37Rv and the multidrug resistant strain 320. This
leads to disruption of the redox transformations of various chemical compounds that form the respiratory process in
the bacterial culture, providing the energy demand of the microorganism.




Как цитировать

Kerimzhanova B. F., Dzhumagazieva A.B., Аkhatullina N. B., Iskakbayeva Zh. A., & Sakhipov E. N. (2020). THE INHIBITING EFFECT OF FS-1 DRUG ON THE ANTIOXIDANT PROTECTION SYSTEM OF MYCOBACTERIA TUBERCULOSIS. Известия НАН РК. Серия химии и технологии, (6), 134–142. извлечено от