

  • A.B. Sarsenova
  • M.Zh. Tazhigaliyeva
  • L.Zh. Shadanova

Ключевые слова:

family relationships, alimony obligations, protection of civil rights, the agreement on the payment of alimony, the recovery of alimony, the maintenance of minor children, the responsibility of parents.


Family is a social phenomenon. The content of the family relationship form the subjective rights and
obligations of its subjects. The scope of rights and obligations of family members (as well as the grounds for their
occurrence, change and termination) is specified in separate institutions of family law. The article analyzes the
problem of the application of legislation in the field of family law, arising from the implementation of maintenance
obligations. Currently in the Republic of Kazakhstan, a significant part of civil cases are disputes arising from family
relationships. This category also includes cases of collecting alimony, changing the amount of alimony, terminating
their recovery, or adding or reducing arrears of alimony. If there is no alimony agreement or agreement between the
parents, then the order of payment and the amount determined by the court, taking into account the financial situation
of both parents.




Как цитировать

A.B. Sarsenova, M.Zh. Tazhigaliyeva, & L.Zh. Shadanova. (2019). 029_. «Доклады НАН РК», (3), 199–203. извлечено от http://91834.libg.asia/reports-science/article/view/1555


