Ключевые слова:
hospitality industry, tourism, hotel facilities, accommodation facilities.Аннотация
In this paper an assessment of the state of the hospitality industry of Nur Sultan city is given. The
authors note that there is a positive dynamics of the increase in the hotel room inventory in the industry in the period
under review, at the same time they note that there is a low degree of workload in accommodation facilities for
guests of the capital of Kazakhstan in comparison with the capitals of other countries. The analysis of the subjects of
the hospitality industry of the city by the indicators of their number, the distribution of their belonging to the
category were carried out. It was revealed that in the structure of the accommodated guests, Kazakhstanis coming
from other regions are dominated. At the same time, the analysis shows a gradual increase in the share of foreign
tourists in the overall structure of accommodated guests in hotel facilities. As a constraint to the development of the
hospitality industry in the capital the unfair competition in the market has been marked, due to the presence of the
daily rent apartments illegally handed by individuals. First of all, this circumstance makes it difficult to conduct a
real assessment of the market size of the hospitality industry in Nur-Sultan city, secondly, deprives guest
accommodation of potential customers due to lower prices for illegal daily rent of apartments. In addition, the results
of the analysis of the pricing policy of the capital's accommodation facilities show the inadequacy of pricing for their