
  • Arpentieva M.R.
  • Kassymova G.K.
  • Bulatova G.A.
  • Gimazov R.M.
  • Kirichkova M.E.
  • Posypanova O. S.
  • Podol’skaya I.A.
  • Stepanova G. A.

Ключевые слова:

inclusion, disability, understanding, authenticity, agency, psychological counseling, transtheoretical approach.


The purpose of the study is to understand the characteristics and possibilities of psychological
counseling as an inclusive practice aimed at helping clients understand their true selves, achieve authenticity,
congruence, and transparency (subjectivity or agency). The research method is a theoretical understanding of the
features and possibilities of psychological counseling as an inclusive practice aimed at helping clients understand
their true selves, achieve authenticity, congruence, and transparency (subjectivity or agency). The “unusualness” of
the life and relationships of people with disabilities often and more strongly than people without disabilities
encourages them to understand the problems of “true”, “true” being. These people more often and more than others
know all the difficulties of establishing and developing relations of mutual understanding. Mutual understanding
assumes that partners understand themselves, each other and the situation of interaction. Partners can also somehow
understand not only the situation of "direct" interaction, but also the situations of life - their own and another person.
However, such an understanding is not as simple and easy as the illusion of understanding, which is common among
"ordinary" people (without disabilities), says about it. It seems to people that they understand each other, without
effort and problems; however, this is far from being the case. Mutual understanding, multi-level and multicomponent process, an important condition for the success of inclusive practices. Inclusive practices - educational,
socio-psychological and other practices of including people with disabilities in the community: as equal, meaningful,
contributing to the social development of people. The possibilities of psychological counseling as an inclusive
practice are related to the fact that it should and can be aimed at helping clients understand their true nature, achieve
authenticity, congruency and transparency (subjectivity) in the process and as a result of building and developing
mutual understanding. The inclusive nature of the consultative dialogue is reflected in the leading ethical and
transmodel principles of counseling, such as person-centeredness and acceptance, respect and translation (delegation)
of responsibility (to the client as a consultant) and empathy, parity and trust in the client's understanding of himself
and the world, specificity (appeal and personalization , objectivity and subjectivity), optimism and focus on the
development of the client as an individual, partner and professional. The limitations of counseling as an inclusive
practice are connected only with its task of advisory, non-subject-educational support of the formation and
development of the client. The specifics of counseling as an inclusive practice is related to the fact that it guides the
client and his family, as well as the educational institution, at the same time on 1) the principle of reality and 2) the
principle of development ("optimism"). Reality helps to assess the development potential at every moment and in
what specific situation in each specific relationship (educational or otherwise). And optimism - focuses on the
development of a person as a person, partner and professional in the widest possible range, outside of medical and everyday stereotypes and stigmatizing forecasts. So a person can become himself, the subject of his life, achieve
transparency and authenticity, along with harmony and congruence.


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Как цитировать

Arpentieva M.R., Kassymova G.K., Bulatova G.A., Gimazov R.M., Kirichkova M.E., Posypanova O. S., Podol’skaya I.A., & Stepanova G. A. (2020). PROBLEM OF AGENCY AND AUTHENTICITY OF A PERSON WITH DISABILITIES AND RELATIONSHIPS IN COUNSELLING. «Вестник НАН РК», (4), 284–293. извлечено от

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